I am
Malay Mahajan

Fullstack Developer, Angular, React.js, Node.js, MongoDB

Name: Malay Mahajan

Profile: full stack developer

Email: malaymahajan.mm@gmail.com


HTML 85%
CSS3 75%
JavaScript 70%
Angular 75%
React.js 60%
Node.js 65%
About me

Hi there I'm Malay,

I am a fresher with hands on experience in full stack development, Currently persuing MCA from Sinhgad Institute of Management, Pune. I have experties in MEAN stack and MERN stack development i.e., Knowldege of Front-end using Angular 2+, React.js, Nodejs for Server-side, NoSQL database as MongoDB, Web deployment using firebase and AWS, Unit testing of Angular Application, with a good fundamental knowledge of programming languages - Javascript, typescript, C, Java, Python.

2022 - PRESENT
Master of Computer Application

Sinhgad Institute of Management

2022 - PRESENT
Freelance Web Developer

Working happily on my own web projects

2019 - 2022
Bachelor of Computer Science

Sinhgad college of science, Pune


I am working as a freelancer and developmer since 1 year. During that time I've discovered that I can help startups and companies with the following services.


server-side development of web application or website with a primary focus on how the website works, Managing the database through queries and APIs by client-side commands.

Responsive Design

The responsiveness of the website, the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user's behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation.

Maintenance Services

Provide maintenance service for at least 2years, the act of routinely checking your website for issues that negatively impact its performance and provide a poor user experience


Listed below are some of the most representative projects I've worked on.